
Dr Vineet Malhotra

Urology | Sexology | Andrology | Infertility Treatment

I am starting today with my first blog on sexual health. I have been meaning to start this for a long time now. I will try to bring out most common problems that men face and how I go about trying to help them with it.
It is not easy to come forward or seek help for a sexual problem. Sometimes it does not even appear to be a problem.
We find our frequency of sexual encounters reducing over a period of time. The pleasure and success associated with the act also have decreased. There is some level of discontent between partners and some guilt in our minds relating to our sexual ability.
We may sometimes attribute it to our stress at the workplace or some other temporary cause. If it becomes persistent, we either become used to it or seek home/alternative remedies.
Gradually the desire for sexual acts becomes very low and we try to keep all thoughts of performing the act, at a distance. Sometimes, we resort to masturbation as an easy outlet for such behavior.
This is a fairly common presentation. The quote of ‘ use it or lose it ‘ is very relevant for good sexual performance. Impotence or Erectile dysfunction, are harsh words to use for such symptoms.
We should try to resort to very simple measures such as modification of diet and lifestyle, occasional use of mild medication, abstinence from masturbation and an attempt to revive regular sexual activity as early corrective measures.
 I will talk about some specific patient cases and how they have been managed in my next blog
 Cheers all

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